Clinical Quality Registries (CQR) seek primarily to improve the quality and safety of healthcare, but do they also improve the cost-effectiveness of healthcare?
At this webinar for CQR SIG members, Prof Danny Liew and Dr Ella Zomer will discuss the available evidence and approaches to the health economic evaluation of clinical quality registries.
The webinar will be held from 4-5pm on Wednesday 12 October. This is an invitation only event for CQR SIG members, but if you would like information on becoming a member of the CQR SIG please contact Michael Mihatsch:
About our presenters
PROF DANNY LIEW is the Dean of Medicine and Head of the Adelaide Medical School. He is also a consultant physician in General Medicine at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Danny’s research interests lie in clinical epidemiology, health services research and health economics.
DR ELLA ZOMER is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. She is the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Stream Lead at the School’s Division of Health Economics, and Research Lead for the Australian National Diabetes Audit/Diabetes Clinical Quality Registry. Her research aims to establish the burden of disease and evaluate the economic benefits of new technologies and pharmacotherapies.
Latest Resources
CQR Webinar: Enhancing Healthcare through Quality Registries & Digital Health
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – ACT-GLOBAL Adaptive Platform Trial for Stroke
Workshop: How to better develop cross-network collaborations and linkages
The processes involved in a Data and Safety Monitoring Board/Committee with special reference to the role of the various statisticians
CQR Collaboration Hub Newsletter – The Benchmark
ACTA 2022-2023 Annual Report
ACTA Whistleblower Policy
HEAT webinar recording: Design of economic evaluations along the development process
Workshops and Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – the BAT and PASSPORT Trials
Exploring greater partnership between Clinical Trial Networks, Clinical Quality Registries and Trial Coordinating Centres with Industry
Exploring greater partnership between Clinical Trial Networks, Clinical Quality Registries and Trial Coordinating Centres with Industry – Environmental Scan
HEAT Webinar Recording-Flexible survival models and why we (might) need them
HEAT Webinar Recording- Use of Administrative Data for Measuring Events and Healthcare Use
Recommendations to improve cultural and linguistic diversity in clinical trials
Adaptive Platform Trial Summaries
Approaches to prioritising research
for clinical trial networks: a scoping review -
HEAT Webinar Recording- Economic Evaluation Alongside Adaptive Trials
ACTA 2021-2022 Annual Report
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Development of the Consumer Involvement and Engagement Toolkit
Activities supporting the growth of Clinical Trial Networks in Australia
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ACTA 2020-2021 Annual Report
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Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP)
ACTA Board Charter
ACTA Constitution
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ACTA Trial of the Year Award 2020 guidelines and nomination forms
Latest Events
ACTA Webinar – Developing a Best Practice Guide for Registry Based Trials
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