A workshop on Bayesian adaptive randomised trials, delivered by international leaders in this field; Dr Lorenzo Trippa and Dr Steffen Ventz.
Update: This event is now sold-out. Please register for the wait-list to be notified if any tickets become available.
Adaptive clinical trial designs have proven valuable to accelerate the development of new treatments. Adaptive randomisation based on Bayesian principles has been proposed for testing several treatments in complex clinical trials on heterogeneous populations. Recent applications suggest that outcome adaptive approaches can accelerate drug development processes. Adaptive algorithms attempt to learn and identify, during the trial, the best available treatment options for individual patients enrolled in the trial. We are pleased to present a workshop on Bayesian adaptive randomised trials, delivered by two international leaders in this field: Dr Lorenzo Trippa, PhD, is an Associate Professor with the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology at Dana-Farbern and the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr Steffen Ventz, PhD, is a research scientist with the Department of Data Sciences and the Center for Regulatory Sciences at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This workshop is suitable for statisticians, clinicians and other scientists interested in innovative clinical trial designs and their analysis. Ideally delegates have an intermediate level of statistical expertise. Although not the main focus, the workshop involves practical sessions in R. Clinicians attending the workshop would ideally team up with a statistician during these sessions. Delegates should ensure that they have the R software installed in their laptops prior to attending the workshop. The workshops are being presented in association with VicBiostat and the Australian Trials Methodology Research Network (AusTriM).Latest Resources
Funding Adaptive Platform Trials: A discussion paper
Information and resources on Adaptive and Platform Trials for consumer representatives
Innovative trial design glossary
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – the PANTHER trial
Adaptive platform trials: Efficiencies and Complexities
STInG Chat – How to build a career as a clinical trials biostatistician
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – SEISMIC and IVCare
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STInG Chat – ‘Securing Funding: Tips and Tricks for Investigator Grants’
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – ACT-GLOBAL Adaptive Platform Trial for Stroke
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – UNSW / Black Dog Institute on Treatment-Resistant Depression
Webinar recording: Introduction to Git for Clinical Statisticians
The processes involved in a Data and Safety Monitoring Board/Committee with special reference to the role of the various statisticians
ACTA STInG grant advice for trial statisticians
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – PLATIPUS: A Platform for Adaptive Trials in Perinatal Units
ACTA STInGChat – ‘Climbing the Career Cascade’
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – Schizophrenia Platform for Improving Recovery with Integrated Trials
Seamless Phase 2_3 Trials in Oncology
Adaptive Design Clinical Trials
Career paths for academic biostatisticians
Novel technologies for clinical trial recruitment in Australia
Workshops and Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – the BAT and PASSPORT Trials
Exploring greater partnership between Clinical Trial Networks, Clinical Quality Registries and Trial Coordinating Centres with Industry
ACTA STInG: N-of-1 Trials Webinar Series – Webinar 2
ACTA STInG: N-of-1 Trials Webinar Series – Webinar 1
Effective strategies to manage data integrity risks webinar
The Data Lifecycle: Ethical use of data webinar
Transparency in data analyses webinar
Webinar PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research
Estimands: Not just a statistical issue
Resource for trial statisticians planning to apply for an academic promotion
Guidance on Peer Reviewing the Statistical Aspects of a Medical Paper
Protocols and Statistical Analysis Plans (SAPs) for Adaptive and Platform Trials
Latest Events
ACTA Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials 2024
Webinar: Introduction to Git for Clinical Statisticians
ACTA STInG Trials Webinar Series: Seamless Phase 2/3 Designs in Oncology
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Bayesian Adaptive Trials Workshops: Perth
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