Major depressive disorder is the highest cause of disability globally and at least one-third of MDD patients meet the criteria for TRD, a condition characterised by failure to sufficiently improve after trialing two or more antidepressants. There remains a vital need, therefore, to develop novel treatment approaches to TRD that can provide rapid relief of depressive symptoms and also be well tolerated by patients. The primary aim of this platform trial is to compare the effectiveness of a range of new treatments to improve depression symptoms in patients with TRD. Additional aims are to compare quality of life, treatment acceptance, and safety measures. Anticipated treatments to be investigated include psychedelics, neurostimulation, psychological therapy and antidepressant medications. Promising new treatments may be added and inferior treatments removed in the lifetime of the study.
Latest Resource
Funding Adaptive Platform Trials: A discussion paper
Information and resources on Adaptive and Platform Trials for consumer representatives
Innovative trial design glossary
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – the PANTHER trial
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – SEISMIC and IVCare
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – ED Asthma and CAPTIVATE
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – ACT-GLOBAL Adaptive Platform Trial for Stroke
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – PLATIPUS: A Platform for Adaptive Trials in Perinatal Units
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – Schizophrenia Platform for Improving Recovery with Integrated Trials
Adaptive Design Clinical Trials
Novel technologies for clinical trial recruitment in Australia
Workshops and Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – the BAT and PASSPORT Trials
Exploring greater partnership between Clinical Trial Networks, Clinical Quality Registries and Trial Coordinating Centres with Industry
Adaptive platform trials: Efficiencies and Complexities
Adaptive Platform Trial Summaries
HEAT Webinar Recording- Economic Evaluation Alongside Adaptive Trials
Protocols and Statistical Analysis Plans (SAPs) for Adaptive and Platform Trials
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: Statistical Principles
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: How to plan well and be prepared for the unexpected
Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP)
What are the benefits of adaptive designs?
How do adaptive trial sizes work?
What is an adaptive clinical trial?
What is response adaptive randomisation?
Data Safety and Monitoring Boards (DSMB) for Adaptive Trials Webinar video
Data Safety and Monitoring Boards (DSMB) for Adaptive Trials Webinar slides
Bayesian adaptive randomised clinical trials flyer
Adaptive Design Clinical Trials
Hackathon of Novel Trial Designs part two
Hackathon of Novel Trial Designs part one
Studies Within A Trial SWATs webinar
Innovative Trial Design and Conduct Reference Group Objectives and Directions
Novel approaches to healthcare effectiveness research outside Australia