ACTA will be holding a series of virtual clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials this year (subject to demand). For those who are keen to present their work, this will be a 15 min virtual presentation + 15 min panel discussion targeted at groups who are considering or planning an adaptive platform trial (early stages preferable).
If you are keen to present, please submit 3-4 lines on your trial to
We welcome those interested to learn more in this space and would like to attend these presentations.
Below is the registration link for those who are keen to attend and/or present.
Confirmed dates and times for next session:
23 May 2024 (Thursday), 12-1pm (AEST)
Dr Xiaoying Chen
ACT-GLOBAL Adaptive Platform Trial for Stroke
Stroke is the second most common cause of death around the world. It’s also a major reason people lose their ability to live a normal life, especially in developing countries. The number of new stroke cases, deaths due to stroke, and people living with stroke increased significantly from 1990 to 2019.
There has been some progress in finding ways to manage stroke in patients who have had a stroke or are at high risk. But only a few immediate treatments have been shown to help: thrombolysis, endovascular thrombectomy, hemicraniectomy, stroke unit care, and aspirin. There’s still a need for more treatments that can improve results and can be used widely for stroke.
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are the best way to find out if treatments work. But traditional RCTs are often expensive, need a lot of resources, and take a lot of time because they only test one treatment at a time with fixed assumptions. On the other hand, platform trials can test many treatments at the same time and can add or remove treatments during the trial, which is more efficient. In the ongoing search for the best treatment methods for stroke patients, platform trials are seen as a promising new approach in stroke research. They have the potential to change the way stroke clinical research is done, leading to quicker and more effective treatments for this life-threatening disease.
As an adaptive platform trial, the main goal of ACT-GLOBAL is to find the treatment or treatments that are most likely to help stroke patients get better.
Speaker Bio:

Dr Chen has 20 years’ experience in multicenter clinical trials and 15 years spent designing and conducting large international stroke trials. She has been pivotal to the success of multiple world-class large international clinical trials, including as one of the Lead PIs of A multi-faCtorial, mulTi-arm, multi-staGe, randomised, gLOBal Adaptive pLatform trial for stroke (ACT-GLOBAL) aiming to be executed through 300+ hospitals in 20+ countries, Global Project Lead of landmark trial - The third, INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3) with 7000+ stroke patients enrolled from 120+ centres from 10 countries, Senior Project Lead of INTEnsive blood pressure Reduction in hyperacute Cerebral haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT4) with 2200+ stroke patients enrolled from 50+ centres in China, Senior Project Lead of Second Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombectomy Stroke Study (ENCHANTED2) with 800+ stroke patients enrolled from 50+ centres in China, Global Project Lead of other large international clinical trials, including ENCHANTED, INTERACT2 and SAVE.
For more information, please contact us at

Latest Resources
Information and resources on Adaptive and Platform Trials for consumer representatives
Innovative trial design glossary
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – the PANTHER trial
Adaptive platform trials: Efficiencies and Complexities
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – SEISMIC and IVCare
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – ED Asthma and CAPTIVATE
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – ACT-GLOBAL Adaptive Platform Trial for Stroke
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – UNSW / Black Dog Institute on Treatment-Resistant Depression
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – PLATIPUS: A Platform for Adaptive Trials in Perinatal Units
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – Schizophrenia Platform for Improving Recovery with Integrated Trials
Adaptive Design Clinical Trials
Novel technologies for clinical trial recruitment in Australia
Workshops and Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials
Webinar recording: APT Virtual Clinic – the BAT and PASSPORT Trials
Exploring greater partnership between Clinical Trial Networks, Clinical Quality Registries and Trial Coordinating Centres with Industry
Adaptive Platform Trial Summaries
HEAT Webinar Recording- Economic Evaluation Alongside Adaptive Trials
Protocols and Statistical Analysis Plans (SAPs) for Adaptive and Platform Trials
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: Statistical Principles
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: How to plan well and be prepared for the unexpected
Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP)
What are the benefits of adaptive designs?
How do adaptive trial sizes work?
What is an adaptive clinical trial?
What is response adaptive randomisation?
Data Safety and Monitoring Boards (DSMB) for Adaptive Trials Webinar video
Data Safety and Monitoring Boards (DSMB) for Adaptive Trials Webinar slides
Bayesian adaptive randomised clinical trials flyer
Adaptive Design Clinical Trials
Hackathon of Novel Trial Designs part two
Hackathon of Novel Trial Designs part one
Studies Within A Trial SWATs webinar
Innovative Trial Design and Conduct Reference Group Objectives and Directions
Novel approaches to healthcare effectiveness research outside Australia
Latest Events
ACTA Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials
Platform trials and master protocols – Workshop
ACTA Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials – 14 Sept 23
ACTA Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials – 13 July 23
ACTA Virtual Clinics on Adaptive Platform Trials
Economic Evaluation Alongside Adaptive Trials webinar – 22 November
Improving clinical trial recruitment through innovative technologies
Practical approaches to Adaptive Trial Simulation
An Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs
Seven steps for statistical success in clinical trials [Good clinical practice guidelines] Part 1
Statistical principles – Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series
How to plan well and be prepared for the unexpected – Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series
Webinar: Data Safety and Monitoring Boards for Adaptive Trials
Bayesian Adaptive Randomised Clinical Trials Workshop, Sydney
Bayesian Adaptive Randomised Clinical Trials Workshop, Melbourne
Bayesian Adaptive Trials Workshops: Perth
Workshop: Pragmatic randomised trial designs for evaluating health policy and practice change interventions