Workshop: Pragmatic randomised trial designs for evaluating health policy and practice change interventions

Melbourne, Thursday 21 November to Monday 25 November

With major support from the Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH) and co-sponsorship from Monash Partners and Australian Clinical Trials Alliance, ViCBiostat is conducting three days of workshops to assist policy makers, clinician researchers, early career researchers and biostatisticians understand the options and merits of various pragmatic randomised designs to evaluate the impact of health policy and practice change interventions.

Speakers include two international guest presenters Prof Karla Hemming (UK) and A/Prof Monica Taljaard (Canada) along with our local experts in the field Prof Andrew Forbes, Dr Jessica Kasza and A/Prof Joanne McKenzie.

Particular attention will be paid to the stepped wedge design, which couples rigorous scientific evaluation of the effect of an intervention with policy or practice implementation at scale.

Day 1 & 2 – November 21 & 22: Design, conduct, analysis and reporting of pragmatic stepped-wedge and related cluster randomised trial designs 

Target audience: clinical & health services researchers, trialists and biostatisticians

Day 3 – November 25: The stepped-wedge and related cluster randomised trial designs: tools for evidence-based policy and practice (overview) 

Target audience: clinicians and health policy makers as well as researcher

For further details on the workshop content:

Register here:  

Venue: University of Melbourne, Lecture Theatre 2, Basement, 221 Bouverie St, Carlton

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