ACTA STInG in collaboration with Cytel, invite you to come on a whirlwind tour of the current and developing statistical guidelines for clinical trials, all distilled into seven steps. This is an opportunity to be introduced, refreshed or updated on the statistical aspects of GCP in two 1 hour seminars. ICH-GCP guidelines are used in clinical trials around the globe with the main aim of protecting and preserving human rights, which is relevant for both investigator-led and industry sponsored trials. They are an international ethical and scientific quality standard; for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses and reporting of clinical trials.
STEPS 6-7: Understanding statistical aspects of additional regulatory (EMA, FDA, PDMA, CDE & TGA) requirements for clinical trials and what to expect in ICH E20 (Adaptive Designs, anticipated in 2021).
Target Audience: Statisticians
Presenter: James Matcham

James Matcham has over 30 years’ experience as a statistician in the pharmaceutical industry. He has led the development of early clinical trial design, decisions and analysis and the development of regulatory/reimbursement approvals for biotechnology products, involving company representation at regulatory submissions in the US and EU.
James has been a member of the society for Pharmaceutical Statistics (PSI) for over 30 years, serving on the Scientific and Training Committees, as well as the Board of Directors. He has also served on the Professional Affairs Committee of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), where he has been a Chartered Statistician for over 25 years, and is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Statistics. In 2020, James moved to the Strategic Consulting group in Cytel.
Latest Resources
STInG Chat – How to build a career as a clinical trials biostatistician
Webinar recording: Historical and non-concurrent controls in clinical trials
STInG Chat – ‘Securing Funding: Tips and Tricks for Investigator Grants’
Webinar recording: Introduction to Git for Clinical Statisticians
The processes involved in a Data and Safety Monitoring Board/Committee with special reference to the role of the various statisticians
ACTA STInG grant advice for trial statisticians
ACTA STInGChat – ‘Climbing the Career Cascade’
Seamless Phase 2_3 Trials in Oncology
Career paths for academic biostatisticians
ACTA STInG: N-of-1 Trials Webinar Series – Webinar 2
ACTA STInG: N-of-1 Trials Webinar Series – Webinar 1
Effective strategies to manage data integrity risks webinar
The Data Lifecycle: Ethical use of data webinar
Transparency in data analyses webinar
Webinar PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research
Estimands: Not just a statistical issue
Resource for trial statisticians planning to apply for an academic promotion
Guidance on Peer Reviewing the Statistical Aspects of a Medical Paper
Protocols and Statistical Analysis Plans (SAPs) for Adaptive and Platform Trials
Webinar: Estimands in Oncology – How and Why
Seven steps for statistical success in clinical trials [Good clinical practice guidelines] Part 2
Seven steps for statistical success in clinical trials [Good clinical practice guidelines] Part 1
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: Statistical Principles
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: How to plan well and be prepared for the unexpected
Joint webinar on estimands in clinical trials
Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP)
Data Safety and Monitoring Boards (DSMB) for Adaptive Trials Webinar video
Bayesian adaptive randomised clinical trials flyer
ACTA STInG Notes from Members’ meeting, October 2019
ACTA STInG 2017 Member Survey Results
ACTA STInG Submission to the NHMRC Structural Review
Latest Events
Webinar: Introduction to Git for Clinical Statisticians
ACTA STInG Trials Webinar Series: Seamless Phase 2/3 Designs in Oncology
ACTA STInG – Stata and R Markdown Demonstrations
ACTA STInG 3 part webinar series on Data Transparency (DT)
Clinical Trials 2021: National Tribute and Award Ceremony
Clarifying clinical trial aims and analysis using the estimands framework
Practical approaches to Adaptive Trial Simulation
An Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs
Seven steps for statistical success in clinical trials [Good clinical practice guidelines] Part 1
Statistical principles – Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series
How to plan well and be prepared for the unexpected – Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series
Webinar: Data Safety and Monitoring Boards for Adaptive Trials
Bayesian Adaptive Randomised Clinical Trials Workshop, Sydney
Bayesian Adaptive Randomised Clinical Trials Workshop, Melbourne
Bayesian Adaptive Trials Workshops: Perth