This is the second session in ACTA's workshop program, 'A Master Class Series on the Development of a Clinical Trial Network (CTN)'.
This Master Class will focus on what clinicians and researchers need to know about the governance of CTNs.
The session will be held on Monday 20th March 2023, 3.30pm (AEDT). The session will be introduced by Mr John Zalcberg OAM (ACTA past-president) and will include a presentation from Ms Megan Sanders (Executive Officer from the Thoracic Oncology Group of Australia), Ayla Barutchu from MAGNET and Donna Goldsmith from ANZICS Clinical Trial Group. The session will cover principles of good governance and the specifics around CTN governance. The session will also include practical examples of governance from the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS), and the Mental Health Australia General Clinical Trial Network (MAGNET).
Future sessions will consider topics such as funding, industry engagement and research proposal evaluation.
Sessions are free of charge and will be held virtually via Zoom.

Latest Resources
Implementability Guidance Document: After The Trial
Assessing the impact of clinical trials: a scoping literature review
Research Prioritisation Uncovered – Workshop 2 recording
Research Prioritisation Uncovered – Workshop 1 recording
Understanding implementability in clinical trials: a pragmatic review and concept map
Improving impact of clinical trials through implementability
Implementability Super Webinar slide deck
Implementability Super Webinar
Guidance on Implementability
Approaches to implementability, implementation and impact of clinical trials: a survey of Australian clinical trials networks and coordinating centres
ANZCA CTN: Impact and Implementation
Optimising for Implementation: IMPACT
What clinical trialists should know about healthcare policy
Implementation of evidence by the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group
ALLG Clinical Trials Impact and Implementation
Implementation: Clinical Trials
What a trialist should know about implementation to practice
Cochrane’s approach to implementation
The role of AHRTCs in optimising implementation of evidence into practice and policy
Economic evaluation of investigator-initiated clinical trials conducted by networks – Appendix: Individual trial-level results
Strategies for supporting more trials of high value
The Clinician Researcher’s Perspective: Measuring impact on individual clinical practice
What we don’t know about the health and economic benefit of trials and registries in Australia
What we know about the health and economic benefit of trials and registries in Australia
Health system sustainability and continuous self-improvement
The Health Service Provider’s Perspective: How should we measure impact on service delivery?