Health system benefits from improved performance 08.12.2016 Topics:Registries Resource Documents Health system benefits from improved performanceMr George SavvidesPresentation: Health system benefits from improved performance
CQR Webinar: Enhancing Healthcare through Quality Registries & Digital Health This resource is coming from Sector Topics:Registries
CQR Collaboration Hub Newsletter – The Benchmark Type of resource:Document This resource is coming from ACTA Topics:Registries
Exploring greater partnership between Clinical Trial Networks, Clinical Quality Registries and Trial Coordinating Centres with Industry – Environmental Scan Type of resource:Document This resource is coming from ACTA Topics:Efficient & Effective CTNs Registries Coordinating Centre
How can registries drive better translation of real world data into better quality care? Type of resource:Video Topics:Registries
How can registries drive better translation of real world data into better quality care? Type of resource:Video Topics:Registries
What we don’t know about the health and economic benefit of trials and registries in Australia Type of resource:VideoDocument Topics:CTN Impact & Implementation Registries
What we know about the health and economic benefit of trials and registries in Australia Type of resource:Video Topics:CTN Impact & Implementation Registries