Guidance on Implementability and Super Webinar

Topics:CTN Impact & Implementation

ACTA held a Super Webinar in February focussed on our recently published Guidance on Implementability, which aims to provide guidance on the planning, design and conduct and reporting of clinical trials so that the results from late-phase clinical trials are optimised for implementability.

The Implementability Super Webinar took place over nine live sites in capital cities across Australia and New Zealand, and online. More than 600 people registered for the two-hour event presented by ACTA Deputy Chair Professor Steve Webb. Those who attended live sites could engage in peer-to-peer discussion after a live Q&A with Prof Webb.

The definition of ‘implementability’ is to optimise the characteristics of a clinical trial that determine the capacity for the evidence generated by that clinical trial to be implemented into practice and policy.

The Guidance was created for clinical trialists but may also be useful to the end-users of clinical trials, including clinicians, policy-makers, and consumers.

It was great to see such a strong turn-out, and we would like to thank everyone who attended physically or electronically, and to our site hosts. If you couldn’t attend in real-time, you can view the recorded webinar here.