Did you miss our Research Prioritisation Uncovered workshops?

ACTA ran two workshops on 28 and 30 September 2021 titled “Research Prioritisation Uncovered”, which showcased the key outcomes from the ACTA Research Prioritisation and the Impact and Implementation of Clinical Trial Networks Reference Groups.

The purpose of these workshops was to support clinicians, researchers, and funders interested in learning more about research prioritisation. Speakers included Prof Paul Scuffham, Prof Rachael Morton, A/Prof Haitham Tuffaha, Prof Paul Hansen, Prof Carmel Hawley and Greg Mullins. 

You can view recordings of these workshops now.

This workshop aimed to provide participants:

  • An understanding of the Research Prioritisation Framework
  • An understanding of how to use 1000minds – a tool to support the prioritisation and selection of research proposals
  • An opportunity to learn about ACTA’s Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) Survey that utilised the 1000minds software to rank criteria most important to researchers, funders and consumers.

This workshop covered different aspects of Research Prioritisation including theory, tools and guidance on how to do formal Research Prioritisation. It aimed to provide participants:

  • An understanding of ACTA’s Return on Investment Project
  • An opportunity to learn how to do Value of Information (VOI) Analysis
  • An opportunity to learn about Research Prioritisation in CTNs.

This project received grant funding from the Australian Government.