You will be guided through a case study (CheckMate 037) and interactively deepen the knowledge to gain hands-on experience in developing estimands. You will be introduced to the background and disease context of the case study, the concept of an estimand, and important clinical events (increased dropout rate and crossover therapy) that occurred in the trial and affected interpretation of the results. Using non-technical language and clear graphical presentation of the concepts, you will experience how the estimand framework provides a common language to describe the diversity of patient journeys and why it is important to address the right question in clinical trials. Target audience (no prior knowledge in oncology or of estimands required): Clinicians, Investigators, Regulatory Experts, Medical Writers, Ethics Committees, Statisticians.
Latest Resource
ACTA Webinar – Developing a Best Practice Guide for Registry Based Trials
STInG Chat – How to build a career as a clinical trials biostatistician
Webinar recording: Historical and non-concurrent controls in clinical trials
STInG Chat – ‘Securing Funding: Tips and Tricks for Investigator Grants’
Webinar recording: Introduction to Git for Clinical Statisticians
The processes involved in a Data and Safety Monitoring Board/Committee with special reference to the role of the various statisticians
ACTA STInG grant advice for trial statisticians
ACTA STInGChat – ‘Climbing the Career Cascade’
Seamless Phase 2_3 Trials in Oncology
Career paths for academic biostatisticians
ACTA STInG: N-of-1 Trials Webinar Series – Webinar 2
ACTA STInG: N-of-1 Trials Webinar Series – Webinar 1
Effective strategies to manage data integrity risks webinar
The Data Lifecycle: Ethical use of data webinar
Transparency in data analyses webinar
Webinar PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research
Estimands: Not just a statistical issue
Resource for trial statisticians planning to apply for an academic promotion
Guidance on Peer Reviewing the Statistical Aspects of a Medical Paper
Protocols and Statistical Analysis Plans (SAPs) for Adaptive and Platform Trials
Seven steps for statistical success in clinical trials [Good clinical practice guidelines] Part 2
Seven steps for statistical success in clinical trials [Good clinical practice guidelines] Part 1
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: Statistical Principles
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards Webinar Series: How to plan well and be prepared for the unexpected
Joint webinar on estimands in clinical trials
Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP)
Data Safety and Monitoring Boards (DSMB) for Adaptive Trials Webinar video
Bayesian adaptive randomised clinical trials flyer
ACTA STInG Notes from Members’ meeting, October 2019
ACTA STInG 2017 Member Survey Results
ACTA STInG Submission to the NHMRC Structural Review