1000minds research prioritisation software access for our ACTA community

Topics:Research Prioritisation

To support the prioritisation and selection of research proposals of our ACTA community, we have obtained a licence for 1000minds software.

This licence will provide members and stakeholders free use of a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool. This tool can be used to help CTNs, and other organisations, prioritise research topics/proposals, and allow the selection of projects (or portfolios) that maximise return on investment.

You can request access by emailing us at: acta@clinicaltrialsalliance.org.au

Once your request is approved, you will be able to access a number of starter templates including criteria for ranking research proposals based on ACTA’s Research Prioritisation Framework, NHMRC’s Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants criteria, and NHMRC’s Indigenous Research Excellence criteria. 

There are also a number of training videos and a free course on 1000minds decision making available.