Victorian Coordinating Office for Clinical Trial Research update


Alongside the national guidance released last week, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services have released additional guidance, which will continue to be updated. This includes:

Consent for COVID-19 Research Projects
A template Participant Information and Consent Form (PICF) has been made available for Coronavirus or related research that involves collection of health information and/or samples.

This PICF template relates to Victorian legislation but can be used for a National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) project, provided the appropriate legislation is inserted for health information and samples.

Research Projects in Victoria
Many Victorian hospital research offices have published information on their websites regarding the impact of COVID-19. A list of the websites is on the Clinical Trials and Research website.

If you have questions or concerns about ongoing research projects, please refer to the reviewing organisation's website in the first instance. Should you need to contact the research office directly, their details are available on the websites.

The Coordinating Office for Clinical Trial Research is open during this pandemic offering information and assistance with ethics and governance. To reach them use the following details:
Researcher enquiries: 03 9096 7394
Research office information: 03 9096 7398
Hours: 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday