Summit Program
Friday Program Presentations
Video recordings of the Friday Program presentations at the Summit can be viewed via the links below.
Session 1. The landscape for clinical trials in Australia: Identifying strengths and opportunities
- Introduction and Welcome - Prof John Zalcberg OAM
- Opening address and official launch of ACTA - Prof Chris Brook PSM
- Improving the Health and Wealth of Australians: The importance of clinical trials - Prof Warwick Anderson AM
- Clinical Trials: The value proposition - Prof Steve Webb
- Current Clinical Trial Activity in Australia - Prof John Simes
- Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials Networks: The quality agenda - Prof John Zalcberg OAM
Session 2. Clinical trials and the health system: Accelerating answers to important clinical questions
- Pathways to Better Evidence: Regulatory processes and clinical trials - Prof John Skerritt
- New Frontiers: How can clinical trials networks work better with industry? - Dr Brendan Shaw
- Interaction with Policy Makers: Connecting clinical trialists with Health Departments - Prof Alan Cass
- Interaction with Policy Makers: Connecting clinical trialists with Treasury - Prof Deborah Schofield
- Streamlining clinical research ethics and governance: What have we achieved? - A/Prof Nik Zeps
- Streamlining clinical research ethics and governance: Where do opportunities still exist? - Ms Imelda lynch
Session 3. The key role and potential of investigator networks & public-good trials
- The NHMRC Perspective on Clinical Trials Networks - Dr Clive Morris
- Clinical Trials Networks and International Collaboration - Prof Vlado Perkovic
- How can we maximise the benefit of clinical trials networks? - Prof Rinaldo Bellomo
- Experiences of a recently-established network: Paediatric Trials Network Australia - Prof Andrew Davidson
- Experiences of a recently-established network: Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network - Dr Dorota Pawlak
- The Vision for Clinical Trials in Australia: Networks, registries and beyond… - Prof John McNeil AM
Breakfast Session Presentations
PDF copies of the Saturday breakfast session presentations can be viewed via the links below.
Session 4. Supporting a highly-skilled clinical trials workforce
- Development of OECD Global Core Competencies for Clinical Trials - Prof Davina Ghersi
- Consent Training Modules Project - Dr Joanne Shaw
- Standardised Patient Information Sheet Project - Ms Kylie Sproston
- The Transcelerate Initiative - Mr Adrian Bootes