Pre-Symposium Workshops Announced - ACTA 2015 Symposium

On Wednesday 7 October, 2015, the day prior to the ACTA 2015 International Clinical Trials Symposium commencing, pre-symposium workshops will be held. All of these activities will be held at the Hilton Hotel and are available to Symposium delegates. Further details on each workshop are described below. To attend these workshops you must register for the workshop you would like to attend through the Symposium online registration form. Registration for these activities is in addition to the three-day Symposium registration.

We would encourage you to register early to avoid missing out as places are limited.


Platform Trial Workshop

When:  Full day workshop, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Target audience: The workshop is suitable for statisticians, clinical trialists, and anyone involved in the design and analysis of clinical trials.

Cost:  ACTA Symposium delegates with full registration $500. Other delegates $600.

For full details visit the ACTA 2015 website


Equipping Patients as Partners in Trials – Hosted by Norman Swan

When: 7 October 2015 9.00am to 12.00pm

Target audience:  Clinical researchers who wish to engage more effectively with patients, caregivers and people who are not health professionals as partners in the advocacy, design, funding and conduct of reliable clinical trials - and in implementing the results.

Patients, caregivers and people who are not health professionals who wish to share their experience or ideas on achieving stronger partnerships with clinical researchers in trials.

Cost: ACTA 2015 Full Delegate: $75. Non-Delegate: $125.

For full details visit the ACTA 2015 website


Commonwealth Department of Health Workshop

When: 7 October 2015 9.00am to 4.00pm;   (Morning Session 9am – 12pm, Afternoon Session 1 – 4pm)

Cost: ACTA 2015 Full Delegate Full Day: $150, Half Day $75.  Non-Delegate: Full Day $250, Half Day $125.

For full details visit the ACTA 2015 website