Australian Clinical Trials Alliance celebrating and honouring clinical trials on International Clinical Trials Day

ACTA audience
  • Highlighting and celebrating outstanding work in the clinical trials community
  • Launching Beyond COVID-19: a solution-focussed forum

Every year on 20 May we celebrate International Clinical Trials Day, commemorating the date in 1747 when James Lind began his investigation that proved citrus fruit prevented scurvy. It was the world’s first recorded clinical trial.

This year we mark an International Clinical Trials Day like no other. The world is changed in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are all aware of the role and importance of clinical trials in researching treatments, cures and guarding our safety as we try to find a way to reduce the enormous toll of the coronavirus.

Celebrating ACTA Members

Prof John Zalcberg, Chair of the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance said, “In 2020, we are celebrating International Clinical Trials Day by showcasing the work of ACTA Members; the trials that take place throughout the year, those that have had to adapt during this period of social distancing and increased pressures on healthcare services. And those that are testing interventions specific to COVID-19 and have commenced at rates we wouldn’t have believed possible at the beginning of 2020.

“There are remarkable stories from an incredible group of problem-solvers. All of the qualities that inspire investigators to dedicate themselves to work in clinical trials have informed their ability to adapt and address new problems and to collaborate to work towards solutions for people affected by the pandemic,” Prof Zalcberg said.

ACTA Members include clinical trial networks, clinical quality registries and coordinating centres that support investigator-led clinical trials comprising more than 10,000 doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, researchers and consumers with a shared mission to improve patient outcomes. They are a testament to the extraordinary leadership, drive and imagination that exist in Australia for designing and conducting trials that change practice– here and around the world. They represent cooperation and collaboration across organisations, with a large number of sites participating nationally and internationally.

ACTA is celebrating its Members, starting on International Clinical Trials Day. We are sharing their stories to highlight the work that goes on every day creating better health through best evidence.

Launching Beyond COVID-19: a solution-focussed forum

Today, ACTA is also launching Beyond COVID-19: a solution-focussed forum in collaboration with PRAXIS Australia, ARCS Australia and CT:IQ: This exciting new initiative is intended for people working in clinical trials and registries to share their learnings and assist with finding solutions.

Join our expert panel online from 1.30 – 2:30 pm AEST on Wednesday 20 May, to answer questions about ethics, jurisdictional guidance, patient considerations, remote monitoring – whatever the issue is, we are bringing together the clinical trials community to help share solutions.

Join our expert panellists on the forum for a live discussion:

  • Prof Ian Kerridge, Bioethicist, University of Sydney and Director of PRAXIS Australia
  • Anita Van Der Meer Manager, Manager of clinicaltrialsNSW, Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Ministry of Health
  • Melissa Hagan, Director of the Queensland Clinical Trials Coordination Unit, Queensland Health
  • Robert Kent, Research Operations Manager, The Kinghorn Cancer Centre and Samantha Smith, Clinical Operations Manager, CMAX Clinical Research.
  • Carrie Bloomfield, Associate Director, Clinical Research Australia, Glaxosmithkline Australia

Solving problems is at the heart of clinical trials, and the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the sector becoming more agile; adapting existing trials, finding new ways to commence planned trials, or moving quickly to help test treatments and solve the riddles of coronavirus. The forum complements the COVID-19 resources available on the ACTA website -


Media Contacts: Lisa Reid, Communications Manager, Australian Clinical Trials Alliance on 0419 498 913

Chrystal Moore, Communications Officer, Australian Clinical Trails Alliance on 0419 991 074

The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance is the national peak body for clinical trials networks, clinical trial coordinating centres and clinical quality registries. ACTA gratefully acknowledges the enormous contributions of the ACTA Members and operational funding from the Australian Government Medical Research Future Fund