The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) Teaching, Training and Research Costing Study

As part of its task of reporting on the feasibility of introducing Activity-Based Funding (ABF) for teaching, training and research (TTR) conducted in public hospitals, the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) is conducting a TTR Costing Study to inform the development of a TTR classification. A consultation paper outlining the proposed high-level costing methodology and approach to data collection, to be used in the costing study, was released by IHPA in December and comments called for.

ACTA have made a written submission to IHPA and will continue to have input into the process through its representation, by Professor Steve Webb, on the working group.  The working group was formed by IHPA in 2014 to provide advice on the research component of the TTR costing project.

A copy of ACTA’s submission is available here

Here is a summary of the key recommendations put forward in ACTA's submission:

  1. Embedded research costs should be included within the costing study
  2. The inclusion of indirect costs is supported but it is essential that costs associated with trial coordination are included and characterised
  3. Direct research costs, if identified during the costing study, should be included
  4. The costing study should seek to understand the costs associated with research activities undertaken by staff specialists within their non-clinical time
  5. More information about precise methods should be the subject of additional consultation.