CT:IQ survey: Barriers and enablers for sites recruiting participants for clinical trials

CT:IQ is conducting a project assessing the barriers and enablers to clinical trials recruitment at the site level.

This survey will assist CT:IQ to produce recommendations for optimising recruitment to clinical trials.

As part of this project they are surveying sponsors and site staff on the barriers and enablers for sites recruiting participants for clinical trials to produce recommendations for optimising recruitment which are broadly applicable and translational at the site level.

The ethical conduct of this survey has been approved by the Macquarie University HREC (Project ID 5764) and will be carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) produced by the NHMRC.

The introduction in the survey provides details of the project, confidentiality and privacy of responses. 

Click here for Site Recruitment Survey

The survey will be open until 29 Nov 2019 and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All responses will be anonymous with no identifiable information collected.

CT:IQ is after a range of perspectives on site recruitment from a large number of site staff and sponsor staff, so please feel free to share the survey link within your organisation.

If you any questions about this survey or the project please contact CT:IQ Project Manager, Sonia Harvey soniaharvey@ctiq.com.au.