Continuity of Care Collaboration (CCC) Forum - Rural and Remote Health


The Continuity of Care Collaboration (CCC) is an Australian-first national communication collaboration of more than 35 peak bodies (including ACTA), industry and healthcare organisations.

They are working together to highlight the importance of consumers monitoring their health and maintaining their regular medical care.

The CCC is holding a forum on the topic Rural and Remote Communities. The webinar will cover areas relevant to rural and remote communities and will wrap-up with an interactive Q&A with all the panellists.

Managing patient care of rural patients requiring city services during COVID-19 – lessons learnt presented by Dr Ewen McPhee (President), Australia College of Rural and Remote Medicine 
Patient considerations in the government response presented by Dr Gabrielle O’Kane (CEO), National Rural Health Alliance Ltd 
Pathology and point of care testing to support communities presented by Cameron Martin, Queensland Health Point of Care Testing
The patient perspective - accessing healthcare during COVID-19 as a rural patient presented by Brad Rossiter OAM, Member of Consumers Health Forum Rural and Remote Communities Working Group

This webinar is relevant to CCC member organisations, patients, patient groups, healthcare professionals and interested members of the general public

Please register in advance for this online forum

Friday 24 July

Host: John Emmerson - London Agency