Clinical Trials Adaptation Clinic – register your interest now for this advanced training session

Interested in utilising innovative trial designs but don’t know where to start?

ACTA are hosting an Adaptation Clinic where you can receive personalised advice on how to go about utilising new methodology to best answer your research question.

We are thrilled to announce that Scott Berry, a global leader in adaptive trial design, and a panel of local ACTA experts will be at the George Institute to coach you through making the most of these cutting-edge approaches to trials.

ACTA will select up to six individuals to receive coaching from our panel of experts. We ask that you, or a member of your team, are able to make it to Sydney on the 15th of February for the event.  This will be an open event and we invite anyone to attend. Registration to attend as an audience member is now open. Registration for those selected to present their question and receive feedback will be complimentary.

Register your interest in presenting by contacting

Let us know (in under 150 words):

  1. Basic background on your clinical discipline
  2. Your proposed research question
  3. All the things you might regret with the currently planned design

This event will back on to a repeat of our highly successful event - Introduction to Innovative Trial Design workshop, last held in Melbourne in March. Registration is open, and places are limited so don’t miss out!

Register here.

For any further enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.