Call for Abstracts Extended: NHMRC Symposium on Research Translation

The 7th Annual NHMRC Symposium on Research Translation will be held at The University of Sydney on the 28th November 2018. This year, the National Health and Medical Research Council will be partnering with The REWARD Alliance .

The theme will be ‘Ensuring Value in Research’ with a particular focus on:

  1. Justifiable research priorities
  2. Robust research design, conduct and analysis
  3. Regulation and management of research conduct proportionate to risks
  4. Accessible research methods and findings and complete and usable research reports.

The REWARD Alliance is an international network of funders, editors, researchers and other stakeholders with a shared interest in ensuring value in health and medical research.

The Symposium is for anyone with an interest in ensuring that research contributes to knowledge and improved health outcomes in the most effective and efficient way. Participants may include preclinical and clinical researchers, health services and public health researchers, policy makers, health care practitioners and managers, community members in health care and consumers. Symposium participants will also have the opportunity to network with, learn from, and establish collaborations with others committed to ensuring value in research. 

The call for abstracts has been extended