ACTA Summit Summary

A huge thank you to everybody who contributed to making the ACTA Summit 2018 one of our best yet, even in the path of a storm contributing a month’s worth of rain to Sydney on Day One. Two hundred delegates heard from, questioned and networked with each other and a dream-team of national and international speakers.

How do we know the Summit was a big hit? Because the encouraging answers to our feedback form cited our wide variety of speakers and topics, focus on consumer engagement and networking opportunities as reason that the Summit rocked – despite the weather!

Congratulations and thanks again to our wonderful Convener, Prof Tony Keech and his team from the NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre, to our engaging and eminent speakers, to delegates for your enthusiastic participation, to our principle partners Bellberry and CT:IQ, and our sponsors: NSW Health’s Office for Health and Medical Research, MTPConnect, ClinTrial Refer, Datapharm, and Research4Me.

Summit presentations are available for download here.