ACTA Summit 2018 – registrations open for an outstanding program

It’s time to reserve your place at the ACTA Summit 2018. 

If you’ve ACTA-Summited previously, you may not need to read the rest of this article before clicking this link to register for a predictably impressive program.

The Summit is precisely focussed on investigator-initiatedclinical trials’ and registries’ sector opportunities, challenges and expansion. This year’s Summit is themed: Building a self-improving healthcare system. It’s a two-day event, Thursday and Friday 29 - 30 November, at The University of Sydney Business School’s impressive Abercrombie Building.

The program includes talks and panels with tier-one national keynote speakers, including Australian Government representatives, leading clinician-researchers, and our wider stakeholder community. 

Confirmed speakers include Ms Glenys Beauchamp PSM, Secretary, Australian Government Department of Health; Prof Cliff Hughes AO, President, International Society for Quality in Healthcare; Dr Tony Penna; Director, NSW Office for Health and Medical Research; Prof Anushka Patel, Chief Scientist, The George Institute for Global Health and University of Sydney; Prof Alan Cass, Director, Menzies School of Health Research; Prof Jonathan Morris AM, IMPACT Network; Ms Anne McKenzie AM, Head, Consumer and Community Health Research Network; Prof Steve Wesselingh, Chair, Australian Health Research Alliance; Prof Hans Lund, Centre for Evidence-based Practice, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences; Prof Sally Green, Co-Director, Cochrane Australia, Monash University; and Prof Stephen McDonald, Executive Officer, ANZDATA Registry.

We expect 250 to 300 delegates from across the Australian and New Zealand clinical trials sectors, including ACTA’s MRFF-supported Reference and Special Interest Groups presenting and gathering feedback on their 2017-2020 program of work to support, strengthen and grow the sector.

If you are attending NHMRC’s 27- 28 November 7th Annual NHMRC Symposium on Research Translation you can consider staying on for the ACTA Summit because it conveniently and  immediately follows the Symposium.

The ACTA AGM and Advisory Council meeting will take place on the eve of the Summit 4:30 to 7:00 PM on Thursday 28 November. Members will receive separate invitations to register for these important meetings.

Register now for the ACTA 2018 Summit.