ACTA's 2021 Annual General Meeting and Advisory Council Meeting

Our 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and our next Advisory Council Meeting will be held online on Wednesday 10 November.

The ACTA AGM will commence at 4.00 pm AEDT

The ACTA Advisory Council Meeting will commence at 5.00 pm AEDT.

Board elections will take place at the AGM, along with financial and activity reporting of ACTA’s activities across the 2020-21 financial year. The meetings will also provide the opportunity for Members to discuss challenges, emerging trends and key strategic objectives relevant to the investigator-initiated clinical trials and registries sector.

Agenda and relevant notes will be distributed to Members prior to the meeting.

For more information about the meetings, please contact the team at Australian Clinical Trials Alliance on (03) 8639 0770.


2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

On 10 November 2021, we held the seventh ACTA AGM virtually.  We heard from Prof Steve Webb, ACTA Chair, on the finances and operations of ACTA, as we finalise delivery of our first MRFF grant. During the meeting, Prof Chris Reid and Prof Rachael Morton were re-elected to the Board for their second terms, and the re-appointment of Independent Director, Mr Kieran Schneemann, was confirmed for his third term.  Prof Webb also acknowledged the enormous contribution that Prof John Zalcberg OAM had made to ACTA and the sector in his capacity as inaugural Chair, and formally welcomed ACTA’s newest Independent Director, Mr Ian Wilson.  View details of all ACTA Directors

The Chair noted that the next 3-year Strategic Plan will be developed with the Advisory Council over the coming months.

The Chair reported on ACTA’s membership and noted that new categories of Health Consumer Individual and Health Consumer Organisation had been introduced. The Chair also reported ACTA is finalising the report for the 2017-2021 MRFF Grant and has begun a transition into the new MRFF 2020-2024 Enhancing Clinical Trials Network Capabilities Grant.

Advisory Council Meeting

ACTA held an Advisory Council Meeting on 10 November 2021 to gain insights from the Members on the sector's priorities.  During the meeting, attendees were provided updates and opportunities to discuss ACTA’s program of activities; key government initiatives, including the National One-Stop-Shop, National Trials Governance Framework and CQR Strategy; the impact of changes NHMRC funding schemes; and early discussions on ACTA’s strategy.