In line with efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) has taken proactive steps to move to remote working.
In the interests of the health and safety of ACTA Staff, Members and the ACTA Community, we are also moving physical events to virtual meeting spaces, where possible, for the foreseeable future.
We appreciate that some meetings will only be successful and productive with people in the same physical space. If we cannot find another way around, we will, unfortunately, need to postpone these activities until we can be assured that we are not placing people in situations of risk.
This includes the postponement of our planned Clinical Trials 2020: National Tribute and Award Ceremony. We will make further announcements about a new date and plans to mark International Clinical Trials Day and celebrate the achievements of clinical trialists on 20 May, as we watch Australia’s situation and can gauge the most appropriate course of action. Please note that nominations for the Trial of the Year Awards remain open.
Our top priority is to protect the health and well-being of our staff and the ACTA Community and help reduce impacts on health services that are already under pressure. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed of alternative arrangements for workshops and events that are already open for registration.
We are sorry for any inconvenience that these changes may make to your plans and thank you for your valued support.
In these challenging times, we would also like to thank the ACTA Community and particularly those doctors, health care workers and researchers, working tirelessly to keep Australians healthy.