We are very excited to announce that the ACTA 2016 National Summit will be held on Thursday 24 November at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC).
This year the one-day Summit will focus on demonstrating the health and economic impact of clinical trials and registries.
This issue is one that is set to become increasingly critical for clinical and health service researchers as well as policymakers, particularly as the funding strategy for the Medical Research Future Fund takes shape.
Stand by for further details about ACTA 2016 to be announced shortly...
We are also pleased to announce that the Summit has been timed to coincide with the 5th Annual NHMRC Symposium on Research Translation this year. The NHMRC Symposium will be held in Melbourne on 23 November 2016.
The theme for the NHMRC Symposium is "Embedding research into health care: building a culture of quality", which will provide a lively discussion in the lead-up to the ACTA Summit. The goal of the NHMRC Symposium this year is to inspire, influence and create a culture in health care that focuses on quality, underpinned by strong research evidence.
NHMRC is now calling for abstracts for the Symposium, particularly for submissions that demonstrate effective strategies for embedding health and medical research evidence into practice or policy. This may include successful collaboration, changing organisational culture, or capacity building to translate research into practice, in a sustainable framework, amongst others. Their call for abstracts closes on 15 May 2016.
Information is available at www.nhmrc2016.com.
We encourage all ACTA members to save the 23rd and 24th November in your diary now!