Prof Emily Callander
Professor of Health Economics
PhD (Health Economics)
State: NSW
Clincial areas of expertise:Maternal health; women's health; child health
Cost effectiveness modelling, Health policy evaluation, Health program evaluation, Trial-based economic evaluation, Analysing linked administrative data, Research on patient-reported outcomes, Cost-benefit analysis, Budget impact analysis
Economic evaluation alongside clinical trials; linked data analysis; cost analysis
Callander E, Bick D, Mistry H. (2023), ‘Designing Economic Evaluations Alongside Clinical Trials in Maternal Healthcare: A Guide for
clinical trial design’, Birth, doi: 10.1111/birt.12796
Callander E., Slavin V., Gamble J., Creedy D., Brittain H., (2021) ‘Cost-effectiveness of public caseload midwifery compared to
standard care in an Australian setting: a pragmatic analysis to inform service delivery’, International Journal for Quality in Health Care
Hu Y, Allen J, Ellwood D, Slavin V, Gamble J, Toohill J, Callander E. ‘The financial impact of offering publicly funded homebirths: a
population-based microsimulation in Queensland, Australia’, Women and Birth,