Hannah Carter
Senior Research Fellow - Health Economics
State: QLD
Clincial areas of expertise:Aged care, palliative care, end of life
Cost effectiveness modelling, Health policy evaluation, Health program evaluation, Health economic evaluation alongside adaptive trials, Health economic evaluation alongside platform trials, Health economic evaluation alongside cluster trials, Trial-based economic evaluation, Stated preference studies (e.g. discrete choice experiments), Analysing linked administrative data, Health technology assessment
Cost-effectiveness modelling;Health economic evaluation alongside platform trials;Trial-based economic evaluation
Carter HE, Waugh J, Chang AB, Shelton D, David M, Weir KA, Levitt D, Carty C, Frakking TT, Collaborative IC. Cost-Effectiveness of Care Coordination for Children With Chronic Noncomplex Medical Conditions: Results From a Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. Value in Health. 2022 Jul 21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2022.06.008
Carter HE, Zannino D, Simes RJ, Schofield DJ, Howard K, Zalcberg JR, Price TJ, Tebbutt NC. The cost effectiveness of bevacizumab when added to capecitabine, with or without mitomycin-C, in first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: results from the Australasian phase III MAX study. European Journal of Cancer. 2014 Feb 1;50(3):535-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejca.2013.09.028
Carter HE, Lee XJ, Farrington A, Shield C, Graves N, Cyarto EV, Parkinson L, Oprescu FI, Meyer C, Rowland J, Dwyer T. A stepped-wedge randomised controlled trial assessing the implementation, effectiveness and cost-consequences of the EDDIE+ hospital avoidance program in 12 residential aged care homes: study protocol. BMC geriatrics. 2021 Dec;21(1):1-0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02294-8