State: NSW
Clincial areas of expertise:Cancer, perinatal and neonatal care
Cost effectiveness modelling, Health program evaluation, Trial-based economic evaluation, Research on patient-reported outcomes
Health Program Evaluation, Trial-based economic evaluation, Costing environmental impact of healthcare interventions
1. Williams, J.T.W., Bell, K.J.L., Morton, R.L, Dieng M. Exploring the Integration of Environmental Impacts in the Cost Analysis of the Pilot MEL-SELF Trial of Patient-Led Melanoma Surveillance. Appl Health Econ Health Policy (2022).
2. Dieng, M.; Turner, R.M.; Lord, S.J.; Einstein, A.J.; Menzies, A.M.; Saw, R.P.M; Nieweg, O.E.; Thompson, J.F.; Morton, R.L. Cost-Effectiveness of PET/CT Surveillance Schedules to Detect Distant Recurrence of Resected Stage III Melanoma. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(4), 2331;
3. Dieng, M., Khanna, N., Kasparian, N., Costa, D., Butow, P., Menzies, S., Mann, G., Cust, A., Morton, R. (2019). Cost-Effectiveness of a Psycho-Educational Intervention Targeting Fear of Cancer Recurrence in People Treated for Early-Stage Melanoma. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 17(5), 669-681.