Registry Randomised Trials: Key Methodology Issues Workshop

ACTA held a virtual workshop in May 2020 for key stakeholders to respond to and address the barriers to the uptake of registry randomised trials.

This event provided a forum for trialists, registry scientists, statisticians, healthcare managers, healthcare policymakers and consumers to exchange experiences, best practices and ideas related to current and emerging issues associated with registry randomised trials.

The program and resources (video and presentations) from the workshop are available below.

Day 1
Introduction of Speakers 

Session: Trial Designs for Registry-Based Trials
Topic: Cluster randomised crossover registry trials
Speaker: Prof Andrew Forbes
Topic: Stepped-wedge Cluster Randomised Trials
Speaker: Dr Patty Chondros

Session: Validation of Endpoints for Trials from Registry
Topic: Cardiovascular Registry Trials: Challenges in Endpoint Validation
Speaker: Prof Christopher Reid
Topic: Registry-Based Trials in Dialysis and Transplantation – Lessons Learned
Speaker: Prof Stephen McDonald

Q&A Session
Moderators, Sessions Chairs and Project Officer: Ms Anitha Balagurunathan, Prof Dorota Doherty and Dr Felicity Flack
Panel: Prof Andrew Forbes, Dr Patty Chondros, Prof Christopher Reid and Prof Stephen McDonald

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Day 2
Introduction of Speakers

Session: Electronic Data Capture
Topic: Extracting data from eMRs to develop virtual registries: a case study in Acute Coronary Syndrome
Speaker: Dr Charmaine Tam
Topic: eMR Analytics Data Warehouse: Avenue to electronic clinical registries
Speaker: Dr Jane Shrapnel

Session: Establishing Registries
Topic: ANZCA Perioperative Clinical Outcomes Registry (PCORE): Pilot - A Pilot National Perioperative Registry
Speaker: Dr Jen Reilly

Q&A Session: Moderators, Sessions Chairs and Project Officer: Ms Anitha Balagurunathan, Prof Dorota Doherty and Dr Felicity Flack
Panel: Dr Charmaine Tam, Dr Jane Shrapnel and Dr Jen Reilly

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