Workshop - 'Innovative Paediatric Trial Design and Conduct’ - 25th November 2015

Join paediatric researchers, biostatisticians and clinicians from around Australia for a day dedicated to Innovative Paediatric Trial Design and Conduct.

At the workshop hosted by the Paediatric Trials Network Australia (PTNA) topics discussed include:

  • Health economics and trials
  • New trial designs, including stepped wedge and platform design
  • Recruitment strategies
  • Tips for successful NHMRC trial project grants

After lunch, researchers will be invited to present their trials in planning. Through open discussion with peers and experts, ideas will be developed towards robust trial proposals.

When: 25 November 2015, 9am–5pm

Where: Larwill Studio, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 48 Flemington Road, Parkville 3052

Cost: $100 medical staff $50 non-medical


For full details and to register please see the PTNA Innovative Paediatric Trial Design flyer or contact Sarah Bascomb