2019 ACTA Hackathon of Novel Trial Designs Webinars

Join us for a series of presentations on ideas, novel methods and designs for clinical trials

Our invited guest speakers will be presenting proposed new methods for the design, conduct, and/or statistical analysis of trials. We’ll be focusing on novel approaches rather than set research questions, which means these strategies could be adapted to address an array of questions across many diseases and disciplines.

These presentations and panel discussions will be held via webinar and then made available as recordings on the ACTA website.

If you join us live you can ask questions, and we’d also like you to rate the presentations. The audience-choice winner of this series will be invited to present their idea at the ACTA International Conference in October.

Wednesday 1 May, 10:30am-12pm AEST

Now available as a recording

Prof Andrew Forbes will introduce the session

Prof David Paterson will present on designs in which a participant undergoes serial re-randomisation dependent on course of illness

Prof John Simes will present on SOCRATES – Standard of Care Randomised Trials to Enhance the Science of Medicine

There will be panel discussions and audience questions after presentations with Julie Marsh, Stephane Heritier and Andrew Forbes.

Wednesday 15 May, 10:30am-12pm AEST

Now available as a recording 

Prof Andrew Forbes will introduce the session

Dr Jessica Kasza will present on optimal multiple period cluster cross-over designs

Prof Tom Snelling will present on designs that allow clinician preference to be incorporated within treatment allocation

There will be panel discussions and audience questions after presentations with Julie Marsh, Steve Webb and Andrew Forbes.