In recent years, various guidelines have been developed to promote the optimal planning, collection, analysis and reporting of PRO endpoints in clinical trials. This presentation will introduce those resources, and provide some top tips for successfully and collaboratively planning and implementing PRO endpoints in a clinical trial.
Dr. Rebecca Mercieca-Bebber

Dr Rebecca Mercieca-Bebber is an NHMRC Early Career Fellow and the Quality of Life Lead at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on the methodology of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in clinical trials and she leads the PRO endpoints of several oncology, COVID-19 and nephrology Australian and international clinical trials. She is also an executive member of the ISOQOL Best Practices for PROs Taskforce, which led the development of the SPIRIT-PRO guidelines for PRO content of trial protocols

Latest Resources
Webinar recording: Identifying and addressing trial design issues early
ACTA Webinar: Pre-trial VOI analyses to guide trial prioritisation and data collection
Webinar recording: Patient reported outcome endpoints: Optimal development, collection, analysis planning & reporting:
Webinar recording: Quantifying Equity Impacts
HEAT webinar recording: Design of economic evaluations along the development process
HEAT Webinar Recording-Flexible survival models and why we (might) need them
HEAT Webinar Recording- Use of Administrative Data for Measuring Events and Healthcare Use
HEAT Webinar Recording- Economic Evaluation Alongside Adaptive Trials
A pilot study to prospectively estimate the health and economic return on research investment
Latest Events
ACTA The economics of trials: reducing waste in research
ACTA Health economics alongside trials webinar: Identifying and addressing trial design issues early
ACTA Webinar: Pre-trial VOI analyses to guide trial prioritisation and data collection
Webinar: Quantifying Equity Impacts
Economic Evaluation Alongside Adaptive Trials webinar – 22 November