Australian Clinical Trials Alliance Ltd Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM) of the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance Ltd (ACTA) will be held on Thursday, 26 November 2020 at 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm as a virtual event. Please join the meeting 10-15 minutes early to allow us to register attendees.

Videoconferencing (zoom) will be made available for all Members to join the AGM. Please register your intention to join the meeting by emailing us at

At the meeting, Members will have the opportunity to:
• Find out and ask questions about the operations and finances of ACTA;
• Discuss any items on the agenda;
• Ask any question of the auditor;

At the meeting, Full Members will be asked to:
• Confirm the minutes of the last AGM;
• Receive the Annual Financial Report, including Directors’ Report, Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report;
• Elect directors;
• Vote on the proposed special resolution.

Please be advised that two elected Directors of ACTA will retire at the AGM:
• Prof John Zalcberg (retires by rotation, and being eligible, offers himself for re-election)
• Prof Judith Trotman

Included with this Notice are links for you to access:

2020 AGM Agenda with Explanatory Notes, including details of the Special Resolution and a copy of the Proposed Constitution (clean) (Proposed Constitution with mark-up);

Minutes of the previous AGM held on 18 November 2019;

Annual Financial Report, including the Directors’ Report, Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report;

Appointment of Proxy Form (for Full Members only);

Director Nomination Form (for Full Members only). Please note that nominations have now closed.

Should you have any difficulty in accessing these documents, would like them sent by email or mail, or if you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Ms Simone Yendle,
Company Secretary and CEO

Appointment of a Proxy
Full Members are reminded of their voting rights under the Constitution. A proxy form is attached, if required. Appointment of a proxy will not be effective unless the appointment, and any power of attorney under which it was signed or authenticated, have been received by ACTA not less than 24 hours before the time for holding of the meeting, in accordance with the Constitution of ACTA. ACTA’s Company Secretary, Simone Yendle, must receive the completed and signed proxy form before 1:00 pm AEDT on Wednesday, 25 November 2020. Proxy forms will not be accepted after this time.
Proxy forms and nominations may be lodged by any of the following:

Email (preferred) to:
Company Secretary

Hand deliver or mail to:
Company Secretary
Australian Clinical Trial Alliance Offices,
Suite 1, Level 2, 24 Albert Road,
South Melbourne, VIC, 3205

Director Nominations
In accordance with the Constitution of ACTA, this Notice also calls for nominations for two Directors in Open Positions, as defined in the provisions of the Constitution. Each Full Member is invited to make a nomination, and a nomination form is attached to this Notice. ACTA recognises the importance of diversity on the Board, and Members are encouraged to consider such matters in nominating potential Directors. Please complete and return this form to ACTA’s Company Secretary, Simone Yendle, before 12 noon AEDT on Monday, 16 November 2020.

Election of Directors
Should the number of eligible candidates be equal to or less than the number of vacancies, the election will be resolved by ordinary resolution. Should there be more nominations than there are positions to be filled, an anonymous ballot will be held for all Board positions in accordance with the Constitution. On Wednesday, 18 November, following receipt of any further nominations, ballot papers will be provided to Full Members by email (and by post upon request). Those nominating proxies may direct their proxy on how to vote for their preferred candidate at the meeting.

Please confirm your attendance at the AGM by email to by Thursday 19 November 2020.