Our Vision

Our ‘better health through best evidence’ vision is for a self-improving Australian health care system that:

  • delivers high quality and cost‐effective care through the generation and application of evidence derived from clinical research
  • routinely includes and embeds clinical research in health care across all practices and institutions
  • benefits from understanding and support from consumers, health practitioners and policy‐makers of the critical importance of clinical research in optimising practice and policy
  • provides opportunity to participate in high-quality clinical trials to everybody who needs treatment around which there is uncertainty about the most effective therapy
  • ensures health care is founded on well-conducted, controlled trials demonstrating the effects of interventions on clinically relevant outcomes.

Aims and Objectives

  • promote the benefits of investigator-initiated clinical trials and clinical quality registries
  • raise awareness of the valuable contributions of CTNs, coordinating centres and clinical quality registries
  • bring focus to common issues impacting the conduct of clinical trials and clinical quality registries
  • facilitate collaboration among CTNs, trial coordinating centres and clinical quality registries
  • coordinate communication and consultation with clinician researchers
  • provide expert advice on investigator-initiated clinical trials and clinical quality registries to governments, policymakers and others
  • develop policy recommendations for improving the quality and impact of investigator-initiated clinical trials and clinical quality registries
  • support the development of new CTNs and clinical quality registries that conduct, or support the conduct of investigator-initiated clinical trials
  • encourage capacity building, promote education and training and coordinate projects with the aim of improving all aspects of for the clinical research workforce
  • foster effective partnerships between clinician, researchers and governments, policy-makers, health care providers, industry and consumers.