ACTA Activity Plan

ACTA’s Activity Plan outlines key activities to be undertaken to strengthen the capacity, efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trials networks through the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance program. The Activity Plan has been developed in consultation with the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) Advisory Council, ACTA Board and the Australian Government Department of Health.

The activities described represent the priorities required to develop, implement and support a national framework to expand the capacity, capability, efficiency and effectiveness of Clinical Trials Networks in Australia. By supporting and coordinating this strategic program of work, ACTA will facilitate the development of a dynamic and responsive roadmap for the future that builds on the sector’s significant strengths and expertise.

The programs of work is led by and informed by the sector. ACTA provides the central coordination and program support required to progress key priorities, and will maintain an active program of engagement with the sector to ensure that the work program informs and is informed by member priorities, expertise and needs. This includes the provision of direct one-to-one support and mentoring to support the development of new CTNs and accelerate the dissemination and adoption of guidance and best practices among existing CTNs.

The scale of ambition described in the Activity Plan reflects the size and potential impact of the opportunity ahead. ACTA is committed to working closely with Government, our members and the broader health and research sector in Australia to achieve the aims of the Program. The Activity Plan defines key milestones and proposed approaches to collaboration, engagement and dissemination. Our approach is revised and refined over time, building on and learning from early sector consultation and mapping activity, and ensuring that our strategic work programs lead to practical outputs that can be implemented across the sector.

Year Three Activity Plan

Year Two Activity Plan

Year One Activity Plan